a rough start

the following are a collection of the beginning of my photography obsession - these are the few that would have been chosen had I put together a portfolio for BYU's photography program entrance requirements
Spencer [the little brother] is on the far right - walking down a street in Portland like he owns the place
one of my many beautiful cousins during last Christmas break
a few Hawaii photos

Hawaiian sunset
these last three are some of my favorites of ALL time
nike love

ZEBRAS are just beautiful!!


  1. The shoes are one of my favs! And the Hawaiian flower! Be sure to send a link to Tannen, so she can see Haley's picture. You also need a cuter font for your text & make it larger :) Yes, I know I can't see, but I don't want to wear glasses to read your blog :)

  2. You are awesome, Alyssa! I love the picture of the Nikes...you know, my roommates and I were just talking about how we wanted to take roommate pictures again...just so you know :) Haha, love you girl!
